Monday, 7 September 2020

Eel Creek (Star Track)

Eel Creek Station was one of the original stations of the Greymouth to Hokitika railway line. It was located where the Star Track or Stafford Track met the railway line and it provided communication to people from Stafford and Goldsborough using the railway before the current road between Awatuna and Stafford was built. It was about 700 metres south of the station that was to replace it at Awatuna.

The 1939 Map Series NZMS13 - showing the Star Track meeting the railway, the site of Eel Creek station and the replacement station at Awatuna

Before the railway line to Hokitika was officially opened in November 1893 the "station" was called Stafford Track.

West Coast Times, 20 May 1893

It was also the a popular picnic destination with presumably picnicers walking from there to beach at Waimea Creek. 

West Coast Times, 1 December 1894

The West Coast Times of the 13th of January 1984 reported on one of these... 

The Anglican picnic at Eel. Creek , (Stafford track) yesterday was the most successful function of the kind experienced for many years. Tho place is pleasantly situated for a picnic and the youngsters thoroughly enjoyed their ride on the train.- Some hundreds of children and adults went out, and seemed, to be having a good time, ample entertainment being provided for all. Only two casualties are reported. A little boy of Mr J. J. Breeze had a mild attack of sunstroke, and was brought into town,.but is now much bettor, and Master George Mossman some risk of being drowned. Excepting these incidents nothing occurred to mar the complete enjoyment of those present. The Rcvd. Mr Blackburne and the Committee are to be warmly congratulated on the success of their annual gathering.

West Coast Times, 7 July 1894

The Eel Creek station holds the dubious honour of being the first station on the Hokitika line to close. On the 22nd of July 1895 it closed with all traffic using Awatuna instead.

West Coast Times, 20 July 1895